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- National Family Caregiver Support
- Nutrition and Home Delivered Meals
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Other Assistance Programs
You can scroll down and read more about the following assistance programs:
- Long Term Options Support
- Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
- Financial Assistance
- Connecticut Supplemental Income Program
- Property Tax Assistance for Home Owners
- Utility and Housing Assistance
- UR Community Cares
- CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
- Weatherization Assistance Program
- Contingency Heating Assistance Program
- Operation Fuel
- Renter's Rebate Program
- Rebuilding Together - Litchfield County
- Reverse Mortgages for Seniors
- Veteran's Services
Long Term Options Support
Long Term Options Support encompasses a variety of services that include medical and non-medical care to consumers. The program empowers individuals, older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers to plan and prepare for the future. The program is a free, confidential, unbiased "One-Stop-Shop" source to provide information on Medicare, Medicaid, long term care insurance, prescription drug assistance, Veteran's benefits and services available for seniors. Long Term Options Support can be provided at home, in the community, in assisted living or in nursing homes. It is important to remember that you may need support at any age. Our CHOICES counselors provide consumers with clear, impartial information regarding Long Term Options Support and the need to plan for the future.
For more information please call the WCAAA at 203-757-5449 / 800-994-942 or visit State of CT Partnership for Long Term Care / 1-800-547-3443 or (860) 418-6318 to learn more.
ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center)
WCAAA and Independence Northwest have come together to form Community Choices an Aging and Disability Resource Center, which is a community partnership working to promote independence and equality of all individuals with disabilities in all aspects of society. Community Choices empowers individuals, older adults and people with disabilities age 18 years and older, to advocate for themselves. Community Choices is a source for information ranging from a simple name or a phone number to detailed help concerning services, policies and procedures or assistance with completing benefits applications. Community Choices is a free, confidential, unbiased one-stop information source to help aging and persons with disabilities to get connected and get answers on the full range of public support programs and benefits such as:
- Adult day care
- Disability services
- Elder abuse prevention
- Employment, financial, housing and equipment assistance
- In-home services
- Legal services
- Mental health and substance abuse services
- Transportation
- Nutrition
For more information about Community Choices, please call WCAAA at (203) 757-5449 or (800) 994-9422 or Independence Northwest at (203) 729-3299.
- Western CT Area Agency on Aging: www.wcaaa.org
- Independence Northwest: http://www.independencenorthwest.org/
- Community Choices an Aging and Disability Resource Center: http://www.ct.gov/agingservices/cwp/view.asp?a=2510&q=385896
Income Assistance Programs and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI provides monthly cash assistance to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits are also available to people over the age of 65 who meet financial eligibility. SSI provides cash benefits to meet basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. To be eligible, a beneficiary has to meet both the income and asset guidelines.
To learn more about the SSI program visit their website at: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/ssi/
A program administered by the Department of Social Services (DSS) in Connecticut. It provides additional cash assistance beyond the Federal SSI amount. However, the actual receipt of SSI is not required. For example, if a person receives a low monthly Social Security benefit, private pension, veteran's benefits, or limited income from other source, he/she may still qualify for the State Supplement Program. To qualify, the person must be 65 years of age or older, blind or disabled. In addition, he/she has to meet both the income and assets guidelines. For more information, please contact your local Department of Social Services office or click here to be directed to the DSS website
249 Thomaston Avenue, Waterbury, CT 06702-1397, (203) 597-4000
Towns served: Beacon Falls, Cheshire, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oxford, Prospect, Southbury, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott
342 Main Street, Danbury, CT 06810, (203) 207-8900
Towns served: Bethel, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, New Milford, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Sherman
62 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 1, Torrington, CT 06790-9983, (860) 496-6900
Towns served: Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford, Norfolk, North Canaan, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, Thomaston, Torrington, Warren, Washington, Winchester, Woodbury
Circuit Breaker is a statewide property tax relief program providing property tax credits to elderly homeowners. To qualify a person must:
- be 65 years of age or older or
- have a spouse who is 65 or older or
- Be at least 50 years old and the surviving spouse of someone who was eligible for the program at the time of their death
- occupy the property for which they are applying for a tax credit
- have lived in CT for at least one year prior to applying for the program
- annual income limits, contact your city or town tax assessor
- filing period is from February 1st to May 15th of each year
Most cities and towns have their own property tax relief or tax deferral programs in addition to the state Circuit Breaker program. For more information on your town's program or to apply for either of the programs, please contact your city or town's tax assessor's office or click here to be directed to their website.
Frontier Lifeline Discounted Phone Service
Lifeline is the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) mandated program for telephone customers on state or federal assistance programs that will reduce their recurring monthly. Lifeline customers may receive an additional credit for a portion of the federal subscriber line charge, and may be exempt from the local number portability charges and universal service fund. All providers of local telephone service are required to provide the Lifeline credit to all of their qualifying customers who request it.
Contact Western CT Area Agency on Aging at 203-757-5449 to receive application assistance, or Click here to be directed to Frontier directly or call them at: 1800-921-8101.
UR Community Cares is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping older and physically disabled residents stay safe in their homes and maintain quality of life. All participants are background-checked via our secure website. There is no charge for services such as household chores, yard work, transportation and companionship visits including grocery pick-up/delivery. They offer a streamlined process for third-party referrals and enrollments, as they collaborate with municipalities, state Agency on Aging, Healthcare Centers, Insurance Companies, 2-1-1 CT Helpline and Unite Us CT, among other networks of social services and public safety providers. For more information or to learn of local partners please contact: 860-430-4557. You can also visit their website at: https://urcommunitycares.org/
CEAP is a federally funded program managed by Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). Applications are taken and fuel deliveries ordered through local Community Action Agencies. CEAP provides financial assistance for payment of primary heat bill for households at or below 200% Federal Poverty Levels (FPL). (Households with income between 200% FPL and 60% State Median should apply for CHAP; Households with income up to 100% State Median may apply for Operation Fuel). Amount of assistance depends upon household income, and whether heat is included in rent. Assistance is paid for the client directly to the energy vendor, except in the case of renters whose heat is included in rent. This group receives a direct payment. Click here to learn about the requirements and income eligibility to qualify or contact your local DSS office. To be directed to the application form, click here.
The Weatherization Assistance Program is administered by the State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services (DSS). Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. In Connecticut, the State contracts with the Community Action Agency (CAA) Network to operate the program, which shares a single application process with the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). The purpose of the program is to assist low-income families with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. Click on the following link to attain more information. https://www.energy.gov/eere/wipo/where-apply-weatherization-assistance or contact DSS Energy Services Hotline at: (800) 842-1132
One time Basic Benefit is to primary source-of-heat vendor for households between 150% Federal Poverty (FPL) and 60% of the State Median Income. (Households with income at or below 200% FPL should apply for CEAP; Households with income up to 100% State Median may apply for Operation Fuel) In addition, CHAP eligible households that heat with a deliverable fuel (oil, propane, wood, coal, kerosene) and have exhausted their Basic Benefit may qualify for a one time Crisis Benefit of deliverable fuel. Program is administered by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). Applications are taken and fuel deliveries are ordered through local Community Action Agencies.
Operation Fuel partners with communities, businesses, government and individuals to ensure people in need have access to year-round energy assistance. Operation Fuel awards a grant to be used for heating expenses only. Amount of assistance depends upon income level and is up to the discretion of the local fuel bank. Payments are made directly to fuel or utility vendors. This is a private program and towns sometimes opt not to participate. For elderly, age 65 or older, or for extreme emergencies, Operation Fuel may pay an additional benefit amount. Eligibility requirements include:
- household income at or below 100% State Median Income
- must apply for state energy assistance first.
- asset limit
- household must be in a financial crisis situation: A "financial crisis" is considered to be a situation in which a family must choose between paying for their energy needs, buying food, paying the rent or mortgage, or paying medical bills as a result of unemployment, illness, death, or other emergencies.
To learn more about qualification requirements contact Operation Fuel, Inc. at (860) 243-2345 or (800) 354-7199 or visit them at: One regency drive, suite 200, Bloomfield, CT 06002.
State law provides a reimbursement program, Renter's Rebate Program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room, or living in cooperative housing or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. The renters' rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies. Application may be made at your town social service agency, or the Assessor's Office, depending on the town, on specific timeframes, visit State of CT Department of Social Services to learn more.
Rebuilding Together is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization supported by voluntary contributions of time and money. They provide emergency year-round services in addition to the major rehabilitation projects they undertake on National Rebuilding Day. They build ramps, install grab bars, and work on other home modifications to allow homeowners to safely “age in place.” Emergency repairs are contracted to a local contractor in the area to complete the work and have the bill sent directly to Rebuilding Together Litchfield County. Homeowners must meet their income guidelines, and be unable to complete the work themselves. The site selection process takes place locally with the Board of Directors and prioritized putting emphasis on health and safety hazards. Individual families are referred through neighborhood associations, churches, synagogues, community organizations, and service groups, or by self-referral. For more information, or to download a paper application please visit their website at: https://www.rebuildingtogetherlitchfield.org/ or contact them at: (860) 350-2290
A Reverse Annuity Mortgage is a special type of home loan that allows a senior homeowner to convert part or all of their home equity into cash to meet monthly expenses, pay unexpected medical expenses, and make home improvements or other needs. You can receive monthly payments, a lump sum, or a line of credit or a combination of both. Most reverse mortgages do not require any payment of principal, interest or other servicing fees for as long as you live in your home. Three different reverse mortgage plans are available: FHA-insured; lender-insured; and uninsured. It is important to find out the benefits and drawbacks of each plan. Reverse Mortgages are complicated processes and you might want to consult a lawyer or financial advisor before you apply. If you are interested in a reverse mortgage, beware of scam artists that charge thousands of dollars for information that is free.
Visit the US Department of Housing and Urban Development website for more information or call them at: CALL-FHA (800-225-5342).
Veterans Advocacy & Assistance program provides information and assistance to the state's veterans and their dependents in obtaining rights, benefits and privileges to which they may be entitled to under law. Veterans Homes & Hospitals provide comprehensive services for veterans ranging from inpatient hospital care to residential rehabilitation services.
Advocacy and Assistance
Western CT Area Agency on Aging
84 Progress Lane, Waterbury CT 06705
(203) 757-5449
CT Department of Veteran Affairs
75 Middle Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 336-2570
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
950 Campbell Avenue, West Haven CT 06516
(203) 931-0460
Soldiers, Sailors & Marines Fund
350 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 331-8876
A state agency to assist veterans and their families in financial & medical issues
TRICARE for Life (TFL)
(888) 363-5433
Provides expanded medical coverage for Medicare eligible retirees, including retired guard members and reservists, Medicare eligible family members and widows or widowers
Homes & Hospitals
VA Outpatient Clinic
1275 Summer Street, Suite 102, Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 325-0649
CT Department of Veterans Home/Hospital
287 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
(860) 529-2571
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
555 Willard Avenue, Newington, CT 06111
(860) 666-6951
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center
950 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT 06516
(203) 932-5711
Waterbury Outpatient Clinic
95 Scovill Street, Waterbury, CT 06706
(203) 465-5292
VA Outpatient Clinic
7 Germantown Rd. Suite 28
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 798-8422
VA Outpatient Clinic
115 Spenser Street Winsted, CT 06098
(860) 738-6985