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- CHOICES (State Health Insurance Program)
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- CT Home Care Program
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- Money Follows the Person
- National Family Caregiver Support
- Nutrition and Home Delivered Meals
- Resident Service Coordination
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- The Western Compass
CHOICES Volunteering Opportunities
Who should become a CHOICES Volunteer?
Individuals who would like to make a positive difference in the lives of Medicare beneficiaries. Interested applicants should have a variety of skills including listening, computer, internet skills, etc. CHOICES volunteer roles include Administrative Support, Counselor, Open Enrollment Counselor, Outreach Volunteer, and Presenter. Certification requirements include: agreeing to adhere to CHOICES Volunteer Risk & Program Management (VRPM) policies and procedures; passing CHOICES exams; signing the CHOICES Memorandum of Understanding; attending CHOICES Update trainings; and reporting SHIP related performance activities.
How much does the CHOICES Training Cost?
CHOICES New Volunteer training is free for volunteers and $125 for in-kind (paid) professionals. The training consists of one half-day orientation and four full-day training sessions. *Insurance agents, brokers and financial planners are not eligible to participate in the training. *
How do I apply?
If you would like to become a CHOICES certified counselor or volunteer, please call WCAAA at 800-994-9422 or 203-757-5449 and ask to speak with the CHOICES Regional Coordinator. Please print and fill the CHOICES Volunteer Application packet below. After receiving your completed application packet, we will conduct any required screenings (interview, reference, background, criminal record checks, etc.) before the training session begins. After the screenings are conducted, you will be informed about your ability to participate in the training.
CHOICES Training Application Links:
- Team Member Application
- Background and Criminal Record Check consent form
- Annual Driver’s license and insurance coverage verification
- In-kind professional employer info and agreement form
What you will learn:
- Medicare Overview
- Original/Traditional Medicare(Parts A & B)
- Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D)
- Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap)
- Programs related to Medicare (Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Low Income Subsidy/Extra Help)
- Counseling and presentation skills