- About
- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
- CHOICES (State Health Insurance Program)
- Community First Choice (CFC)
- CT Home Care Program
- LiveWell
- Money Follows the Person
- National Family Caregiver Support
- Nutrition and Home Delivered Meals
- Resident Service Coordination
- Respite Care Program (Alzheimer)
- Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
- Veteran's Directed Care
- Community Services
- Resources
- Grants & Contracts
- Contact
- The Western Compass
Hear us on WATR
You can hear WCAAA live on radio WATR for 30 minutes each month. Click here to find out what day and time you could tune into WATR's frequency, 1320 AM, to hear the WCAAA team give updates on the latest news regarding our programs.