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Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
Understanding Brain Injury
The Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut defines a brain injury as unique as the person who sustains one. “If you have met one person with a brain injury, you have met one person with a brain injury,” is a quote that resonates for many individuals. Brain injury is not confined to any one age, ethnicity, gender or geographical location. Brain injuries can occur anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. The consequences of brain injury may be apparent (ex., paralysis) or invisible (ex., memory loss). If you want more information on the ABI program you may visit the Department of Social Services or Brain Injury Alliance website.
The WCAAA has care managed the ABI Waiver program since 6/1/2016. We currently serve the towns of and Beacon Falls, Cheshire, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Prospect, Waterbury, Watertown and Wolcott.
The ABI Program serves adults with an acquired brain injury, not a developmental or degenerative disorder, who would otherwise require institutionalization.
There are 4 levels for the ABI Waiver Program and the Department of Social Services determines which level a participate is eligible for based on their cognitive status, behaviors and ADLs.
*Please Note: There is a wait list for new applications.
Services may include:
- Care Management,
- ABI Group Day,
- Chore Services,
- Cognitive Behavioral Programs,
- Community Living Support Services,
- Companion,
- Environmental Modifications,
- Home Delivered Meals,
- Homemaker,
- Independent Living Skills Training,
- Personal Care Assistance,
- Personal Emergency Response Systems,
- Pre-Vocational Services,
- Respite,
- Specialized Medication Equipment,
- Substance Abuse Programs,
- Supported Employment,
- Transportation And
- Vehicle Modification Services
Eligibility Requirements:
- Ages 18 – death
- Participants require hands-on care with 2 or more activities of daily living (ADLS): bathing, dressing, eating/feeding, toileting, and/or transferring
- Participants must be Medicaid active
How To Apply
Applicants are processed on a first come, first served basis in the order the referrals are received. Referrals are accepted by telephone by calling 1-800-445-5394 (toll-free) or 860-424-4904 locally in the Hartford area.