- About
- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
- CHOICES (State Health Insurance Program)
- Community First Choice (CFC)
- CT Home Care Program
- LiveWell
- Money Follows the Person
- National Family Caregiver Support
- Nutrition and Home Delivered Meals
- Resident Service Coordination
- Respite Care Program (Alzheimer)
- Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
- Veteran's Directed Care
- Community Services
- Resources
- Grants & Contracts
- Contact
- The Western Compass
The Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program (CSRCP)
The Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program (CSRCP) is funded by the State Unit on Aging, and is operated in partnership with the Alzheimer,s Association, Connecticut Chapter, and the Connecticut Area Agencies on Aging. This program has a mandatory 20% co-payment toward the cost of services. Due to financial hardship, a waiver request may be submitted. To discuss your situation or to learn more about the WCAAA Caregiver programs, please call the WCAAA office at 203-757-5449 or 800-994-9422. You may also visit the Alzheimer's Association, Connecticut Chapter for helpful tips, support groups and more information.
To be eligible, the person receiving care must:
- Have Alzheimer's disease or an irreversible dementia such as that which may result from: Multi infarct dementia, Parkinson's disease, Lewy Body Dementia, Huntington's disease, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, or Pick's disease. (The applicant or authorized agent must provide a completed "Physician Statement" from a physician stating that the patient has been diagnosed with dementia.)
- The person with the diagnosis must not have an income of more than $51,114 a year, or have liquid assets of more than $135,892 .
Two options of care are available for CSRCP and NFCSP:
- Traditional Respite Services - A Care Manager will order and monitor services through a licensed service provider such as a skilled or non-skilled service agency.
- Self- Directed Care - The caregiver will select, hire, and supervise individuals other than a spouse or conservator to provide respite care. This option provides more flexibility in the selection and delivery of respite services.
Is Your Home ALZ Safe?
Join us to learn how dementia affects a person’s safety awareness. Explore home modification ideas to support independence and safety at home, and hear about resources to access funding.
Hear from:
- Jennifer Labrie, Alzheimer's Association
- Amy Finke, Lifeway Mobility
- Jessica Warner, Western CT AAA
Other Caregiver Resources
Respite Care Program Brochure
CT Statewide Respite Program
Caregiver Support Group Websites
Caregiver Support Groups in Western CT
Service Definitions
Emergency Supply Kit
Emergency Information Form
Family Caregiver Guide
Working Together with WCAAA | Episode 1
Dawn Macary talks with Jessica Warner about Respite Care through Western CT Area Agency on Aging